Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Increasing the grains and decreasing white sugar.

 Healthy 5 grain oatmeal with fresh fruit is a breakfast staple around here. Often I will cook up a big batch at the beginning of the week and put it in the fridge.  In the morning we will quickly scoop out a serving and warm it up with some maple syrup.  Add some fresh fruit and you're good to go.
For more nutritious natural sugar ideas check out:

 Another family favorite grain is quinoa. I like to under cook it just a little so the consistency is crisp rather than mushy.  This meal is great warm or chilled.  Boil 1 cup of quinoa in 2 cups chicken broth until tender. Prepare your chicken thighs or left over meat from last nights chicken roast.  Saute minced garlic and some onion in olive oil.  Add finely diced carrots and asparagus and saute for just a few minutes until slightly tender.  Keep in mind that raw veggies are more nutritious than over cooked ones.  The last step is to mix it all together.  Quick and healthy, just the way I like it.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.

I haven't posted anything in awhile because I just couldn't find the time.  Let me explain.  I enjoy a clean and tidy house and my days scheduled, but as of late my life has been in complete chaos.  An entire winter's worth of dust and clutter has consumed my house.  I feel like I'm lost in a sea of toys and childrens art work. My front door rotted and had to be replaced which left my entryway torn apart and unfinished. Everyday I would wake up to another day of cleaning and decluttering, just to find the kids behind me undoing everything that I just did.  To top it off, huge ice chucks fell off my roof and took out my front porch, which can't be replaced until the snow melts. All this combined left me feeling joyless, stressed, and overwhelmed. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining but it's necessary for me to share this before I can share of Gods wonderful works.  So one day as we were rushing out of the house late again, one of the girls couldn't find her shoe. Ahhh...  I broke down and called unto the Lord and asked for help. As I was praying I couldn't help but think how my house was resembling what was going on in my heart.  Lots of worldly clutter fogging up my mind and unnecessary anxieties not given to the Lord.  I saw how my time was wasted on pointless TV shows and hobbies as my devotional life dwindled.  As I was thinking about all this, my mind turned to the front entry, "What in the world could unfinished work have to do with my devotional life?"  Did I hear myself say "unfinished work"?  Yes, I have allowed the Lord to begin His work in my life just to stop Him short of completion.  Of course I have lost my joy and peace, I left my first love.  How could this have happened?  I love the Lord and desire to serve Him, right?  Praise God that He answers when we call and is always waiting near for when we return.  These past two weeks I have spent my time repenting, reading, praying, and seeking the kingdom of God.  As I was doing this I began to see the joy and order return to my life.  I'm happy to say my house is clean, organized and clutter free again! (except for the basement!) It's amazing how the Lord has blessed my efforts. I even received the bedroom set I have been praying for, goodbye plastic rubbermaid draws!  As for my entryway, I'm trusting the Lord for completion in His time.

Luke 10:27
Matthew 6:33


Each school year the kids and I choose a topic to study for science.  The past two school years we have focused our time learning about beneficial creatures for our garden.  Last year we learned all about ladybugs and we even raised them and set them free in our garden to eat our pesky aphids.  I didn't particularly care for this project, the larva stage was absolutely disgusting!  This year we're researching worms!  Not just any worms but red wrigglers!  Let me share with you what we have been discovering about this wonderful creation of God.  They are different from regular earthworms that you find in the garden, we keep them in the house!

Why on earth would we keep worms in our house?  Not just for educational purposes but because they cut our kitchen waste down by a third and then recycle it into organic fertilizer for free.  Vermicomposting is much faster and more effective than regular composting, and can be done right through the winter.  Start by shredding all your old newspapers, junk mail, paper bags, leaves, house plant clippings, ect... whatever you have laying around.  Then soak it in water and squeeze out the excess moisture.  Put the dampened material into a bin, and there you have it, a bed for worms.  Feed your worms your vegetable and fruit scraps.  They also like tea and coffee, bread, rice, and other grains.  Feeding and watering is really all you have to do, they do the rest!
This is what they leave you with.  Rich fertile compost, well actually it's worm castings (poop).  They will turn the entire junk mail bed into garden gold.  This is God's miracle grow, all 100% natural.  Another repulsive but wonderful thing they do is make compost tea.  All that excess moisture from their slimy bodies drains out from vents on the bottom of the bin.  You may not want this for your morning tea but plants will absolutely adore you if you offer them a cup. Make sure to mix it with water first, you may burn them.
We have so much fun with our new pet worms we actually named a few.

This is Layla and her cocoons. She is expecting her new arrivals in eleven weeks.
There is so much more to tell but I just don't have the time. If your interested in learning more here are some good websites.